[Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minutes]

What is it?  … it started in 2008 as a blog inspired by, and generally about, Delphi.  It then became more about Pascal in general as I started using RemObjects Oxygene more seriously.

More recently this blog has evolved further to cover all aspects of software engineering, technology, people leadership and agile practices.  There will still be deeply technical coding content, but that too has evolved as I have transitioned to my (current) favoured language: GoLang.

What Happened to “Te Waka”? … the original name of this blog, Te Waka o Delphi (later Te Waka o Pascal), means The Canoe of Delphi/Pascal, referencing the Maori historical tradition of tracing lineage back to the original canoe which brought their hapū or iwi and whānau to the shores of the beautiful islands of New Zealand.

The Te Waka conceit no longer really fits, however, and has been dropped.