An Exclusive Club and Reassuringly Expensive

[Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes] In the comments to a previous post there cropped up the complaint that people asking for a realistic Starter Edition are just looking for a cheaper edition of Delphi for themselves. Maybe some of us are, but even so we are – or at least I am – not primarily concerned with the savings to our pocket. The consequence of there not being an affordable edition costs Embarcadero – and the remaining “Delphi Gentlemen’s Club” members – far more in the long run.

Changing Your Delphi License Serial Number

[Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes] Having installed and activated Delphi XE4 using the license available to me from my employer I decided that, despite the very nasty taste left in my mouth, I would pay the $49 required for the XE4 “hot-fix” release, albeit only in order to remain with the valid update window now imposed by Embarcadero, on the off-chance that one of the next two releases might actually be worthwhile. This uncovered something of an ironic problem.

iOS “Support” Prior to XE4 ?

[Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes] Some people have taken issue with my chagrin at the way in which iOS support has been mis-handled in Delphi, implying or in some cases directly stating, that iOS was only ever in beta before and so I had no right to expect “real” product to be delivered at no extra cost. I take issue with this.