Price Rise for Delphi Pro in 2013
[Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minutes] This morning I received yet another email from Embarcadero enjoining me to purchase Delphi XE3, using the same email address that is already associated with the EDN account I used to activate the Delphi XE3 I already own. Some people apparently find this to be perfectly normal and (presumably) effective marketing. I disagree. Even more annoying, is that this email dangled the carrot of a FREE HTMLBuilder if I purchased before 31st December. Not that I think I will have much use for it, but it might be nice if those people who already purchased would be offered the same free deal, instead of being harassed by spam offering this deal to them inappropriately. But more important than that was an interesting note buried at the bottom of that email: STOP PRESS! You will be saving another 10% if you buy before 31 December 2012 and beat the upcoming price increase on Professional Edition products from 01 January 2013! Has anybody heard details about this price rise ? Is it coincident with the inclusion of RAD Mobile Studio in the Pro range ?