The Emperors New Native

[Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes] Perhaps this post should be sub-titled: Say a Lie Often Enough and You’ll Start Believing it Yourself Apparently some product called ERPLY (yeah, me neither) now has a “great new FireMonkey native UI”.  FireMonkey ?  Native UI ?  Unless there has been a radical rewrite of FireMonkey in XE3 and the people behind ERPLY have early access to an unfeasibly stable build of XE3 to have created their product using it, this claim is just errant nonsense.

Charles Petzold Rides Again (+ praise for Kindle and O’Reilly)

[Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes] Like many I suspect, Charles Petzold’s “Programming Windows” was one of the most important books on my shelves for a long time, and it has been a long time since it was updated. With the advent of .NET many perhaps thought a new edition would never come (or indeed be needed). But a 6th Edition is on it’s way, and can be had for an absolute steal under a very creative pricing structure unveiled by O’Reilly.

Respect Your Ancestors

[Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes] Yesterday I posted an observation on Google+, lamenting the lack of a compiler warning when code in an overridden method failed to call any inherited implementation. This simple oversight in an AfterConstruction override in a situation where the observed bug that arose (a memory leak) could just as easily have been the consequence of a more complex error on my part, caused me to spend a significant amount of time, hunting down the wrong bug.

The Relevance of BASIC

[Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes] Simon Stuart recently shared a comment on Google+ about the modern relevance of BASIC. This prompted me to think about BASIC, it’s role in my career and how software development career’s get started today. This post is what came from those thoughts.