Smoketest – Set Me Up / Tear Me Down

[Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes] In a previous post I demonstrated how the default “pretty name” for a Smoketest test case (derived from the test case classname) can be over-ridden by a test developer by implementing a specific interface (INameCase) on the test case class itself. There are some other interfaces that can be implemented on a test case, including interfaces that allow a test case to implement housekeeping tasks for the tests it provides.

Bonjour JSON

[Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes] I know, you wait 5 years for a library then three come along at once! As well as Smoketest I also want to mention a couple of other libraries that have been published alongside it. They are wholly unrelated to Smoketest itself, so I decided to just quickly mention them in this separate post.

Setting The Record Straight

[Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes] Commenter Alexander complained that my blog had become “really, but REALLY boring” recently. I was surprised because I thought I had been posting a lot of interesting, technical material lately and I wondered why Alexander seemed to think I was spending most – if not all – of my time on opinion pieces. So I went back and looked at my recent posting history.