[Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes]

Nothing to do with duget, this is a much more personal post, but though it does (or did) involve a lot of pushing.

For a while I was going to go with a different title, something along the lines of:

with myWife do Liev.Create;

Because my wife was this morning delivered of a beautiful baby boy whom we have named Liev.

This particular project has been a long time coming to fruition. It started as a very traditional waterfall project, with a lengthy period of requirements gathering and analysis. The implementation proved somewhat harder than expected and after 3 years of trying we embarked on a program of IVF.

My poor wife did all the hard work, right up to the point of egg collection and fertilisation, only for us to then fall pregnant ‘the old fashioned way‘, before they had chance to implant an embryo!

So from that point on we transitioned quite rapidly from waterfall to an agile methodology culminating in this, the first release, although it was still delivered a little late! πŸ™‚

During this post-rollout support period, in the brief periods between providing inputs and dealing with outputs, I’m hoping and intending to find time to spend on my blog as well as duget and other projects. Indeed, the overdue nature of this delivery was something I took advantage of over the past 2 weeks. πŸ™‚

It may seem odd to be talking about having more time with a new arrival in the family, but here in NZ working mums get 22 weeks ‘paid’ maternity leave and they are able to transfer some or all of that to their partner.

In our circumstances it made sense to transfer it all to me and so I am currently on 22 weeks parental leave, blessed to be spending my time with one tiny little person who on his own I expect will be perhaps just as demanding as the entire team of 38 (yes, thirty eight!) that I was leading up until recently!


12 thoughts on “A Brand New Package We Created”

  1. Congrats!

    Leading a team of 38….no wonder you have no hair left! Seriously though, I envy you being able to take 22 weeks of paid leave off with your child. In Canada we don’t have such good benefits and I was forced to do “hard labour” instead. Enjoy this time as it goes by so quickly.

    I hope you will still find time to blog as I have always enjoyed your posts and am very interested in your latest CI/CD ones.

    1. Thank you. We are particularly fortunate as β€œPaid” parental leave in NZ is typically capped at a very nominal rate. My employer however takes an enlightened view and pays full salary. I am well aware of how fortunate I am to be able to do this, and rest assured our main focus In the coming weeks will be Liev. But I do hope to find the time for the blog and projects as well in between sleeps. πŸ™‚

      Hopefully that is not a naive hope. πŸ™‚

  2. congrats, congrats, congrats..

    I can understand you very well.
    We were waiting for 12 years and finally this june our wishes come true.

    Liev, live long and healthy life.

    1. Thank you Joseph and congratulations on your own good news. Here’s to the many joyful days ahead! πŸ™‚

  3. Hah ha, congratulations to both of you. My own ‘package’ turned 9 last week and she is easily the best thing in my life.
    I hope you are all very happy together. πŸ™‚

  4. Congratulations to you all, is truly a great project.

    1. Thank you for the kind words Stuart. Of course a blog is nothing without readers so thanks for sticking with me. πŸ™‚

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