A short, quick post to share the fruits borne of the confluence of two of my passions: RemObjects Elements and … t-shirt design. Ok, the latter isn’t really a ‘passion’ so much as a hobby I have dabbled in from time to time over the years, and I have no illusions that my designs are going to set the t-shirt world afire.
But every so often I come up with a fun idea that I’d like to wear myself, or that a few colleagues at work would like to join in with. If others want to wear them too, then even better!
I post my designs in my own store-front at teepublic.com where you too can sign up and start selling you’re own designs, if you wish. You will make a modest commission on every sale, but that really isn’t the reason I do this, it’s just a nice side-benefit.
As well as t-shirts, teepublic will offer your design (with suitable customisation added by you, if necessary) on mugs, posters, notebooks, phone cases, tote bags, stickers and pins, as well as on a host of clothing (hoodies, onesies, sweaters, tanks – you name it).
If you’d like to stretch your creative legs with tee-public, please consider signing up using this referral link. You will still earn your full commission on all your designs, but I’ll get a little something by way of thanks as well.
This post is to introduce my latest design, featuring every IDE, language and platform currently supported by the RemObject Elements technology, in a handy-dandy t-shirt that you can wear to impress your mates!
The design is also available in a text-free edition (i.e. icons only) for those who prefer their tees a little more.. cryptic, but which is also better suited to the vinyl sticker designs that people love to plaster all over their laptops these days.
Yes, I know the title of this post is not an accurate quote, but deliberately so. Elementary: something basic or fundamental. vs Elemental: pertaining to chemistry, an element rather than a compound. The latter clearly being the inspiration for Elements. 🙂