Kiwi Christmas Tree at Hokianga
[Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minutes]

A short post to let you know that if you were thinking of getting into RemObjects Elements, or are already enjoying it and wish to renew your subscription, now is a particularly great time to do so.

At check-out for any purchase use coupon code XMAS19 to get 25% off your order, whether taking out a new subscription or renewing an existing one. If renewing a subscription it doesn’t matter if your renewal isn’t due for a few months – you will still get 12 months added onto your current renewal date but you’ll also get the 25% saving today!

The RemObjects online store is available here, and worth repeating again is that the XMAS19 coupon code applies to all purchases, not just Elements, so that includes DataAbstract, Hydra and Remoting SDK.

(Disclosure statement: There is nothing to disclose. I don’t get anything for mentioning this, other than the same 25% discount when I used the coupon code to renew my own Elements subscription; that and the warm fuzzy feeling of knowing that I’ve hopefully helped save fellow developers a few $’s. 🙂)

Photo Trivia: The Feature Image for this post is of a Pohutekawa tree, sometimes called a “Kiwi Christmas Tree” as their bright red flowers appear around this time of year. This particular tree is in Hokianga in the far North of New Zealand. My wife and I were married under this very tree, though I took this picture a little over a year before (and the weather on our wedding day wasn’t anywhere near as good!).

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