[Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minutes]
Last weeks poll was interesting – I was surprised to see such a high proportion of those polled indicating that they don’t do unit testing – slightly more than 50% in fact. It wasn’t a huge sample size, but even so it surprised me.
So that got me thinking about the use to which visitors to my blog are actually putting Delphi – unit testing isn’t relevant to everyone of course – and so I thought it might be useful to ask that question this week.
This is another multi-response poll. You may choose all the answers that apply to you.
There isn’t a single option that covers a software business owner.
Um, “Working for a commercial software developer”? That you work your yourself is just a bonus. No need to rub it in.
(but point taken – I’ll see if I can remove the “working for” to make it a little less specific)