[Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minutes]

Prompted by a recent question/survey thread on the NZ DUG mailing list, I’ve posted a new poll (see panel, left) seeking to gain a picture of the working day of Delphi software development professionals.  The nature of the questions mean it’s an unavoidably wordy poll, but I’ve tried to keep it as manageable as possible whilst also providing some useful insight into what we are doing and with what tools.

I’ve already completed the poll with my answers reflecting my working day here at Flow.

The results could be interesting and the more people contribute the more useful it will be, so tell all your Delphi friends. 🙂

8 thoughts on “Working Day Survey”

  1. You forgot to include a couple of items.
    Migrating away from Delphi and
    Migrating to Delphi from another Language

  2. The first is implicit – you would indicate that you are only maintaining Delphi projects (or perhaps not even that) and are only starting new projects in languages other than Delphi.

    The second isn’t of interest imho. Starting new projects in Delphi is the only part of that scenario that is relevant to the current state/future of Delphi.

  3. Don’t know if it’s of interest, but the language for my “New projects using some other language not listed” answer is Objective-C.

  4. Yep, definitely of interest and a good idea…. if the specific language(s) being used is/are not identified, mention them in a comment.

  5. IMHO migrating to Delphi from another language is important. It shows that somebody is considering Delphi as a new path for whatever is that they do.

  6. I miss the following:
    – Migrating from .NET 2.0/C# to Delphi 2010
    – Migrating from Delphi to JavaScript/jQuery

    Thanks for the interesting poll.

  7. Although I am only maintaining Delphi projects and starting new projects in C# and Java does not mean that we are migrating away from Delphi. These are different projects.

    But I think there are already enough options to make the results pretty clear.

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