Importing an Android Class For Use in Delphi

[Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes] In a previous post I noted the absence of the BatteryManager class in the AndroidAPI.JNI units. This class contains some constants useful when reading battery information. I showed how to use a suitably massaged literal in place of these missing constants, but in response to observations from Paul and Brian decided to look at how to import the missing class itself.

To init() or Not to Init(), That is the Correction

[Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minutes] The short answer is: Yes, init() In a previous post I lamented the fact [cough – Ed] that some Java class imports appeared to support the underlying Java constructors via an init() method, where others did not. This wasn’t a “fact” at all. It was a misunderstanding based on an incomplete grasp of the machinations of the Java class import mechanism in the AndroidAPI units.

Getting the Battery Level on Android With Delphi

[Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes] Over the past few days I posted a two part series showing how to obtain the current battery level as part of the implementation of an Android AppWidget using Oxygene. As far as I can tell AppWidgets simply aren’t possible using Delphi but reading the battery is quite straightforward Android SDK work, and I thought a comparison of the Oxygene and Delphi equivalents might be interesting.

Fair Comparisons

[Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes] There is an old saying about comparing “apples and apples” or more accurately in this case, “Androids and Androids”. A commenter has already pointed out that an Embarcadero blog post referencing the “effort” described by my series of posts demonstrating how to build a camera app for Android using Oxygene was not a fair comparison.