Delphi for Linux: Enterprise / Architect Only + ARC Imposed = … ?

[Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes] With the lack of any easily available information from Embarcadero, in yesterday’s post I had to speculate as to the cost that might be involved with the new Delphi for Linux. According to comments it seems that I was being overly generous by suggesting that only a Pro Edition of Delphi would be required (so much for people who think I go out of my way to criticize). Unfortunately this does now appear to have been confirmed in the latest “amnesty” email from Embarcadero.

Break It or Improve It ?

[Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minutes] Seth Godin recently asserted that Don’t touch it! You might break it is the opposite of Touch it! You can make it better I fully appreciate what he means by this (and we mustn’t forget that Seth Godin does not blog on the subject of software development, although a lot of what he says often has relevance) but in the world of software application support I think there is a middle ground in this case.

Getting Published in the Play Store (Google Apps)

[Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes] Well, this went far more smoothly than I had anticipated. At the XE5 World Tour event in Auckland, Brian Hamilton, creator of the iWD app, told us that getting his approved took about a week (if I recall correctly), and he had to submit a video showing how his app worked, so I was anticipating a couple of days at least to get my widget published. A couple of hours is all it took !

VM’s on External Drives – Update Redux

[Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes] My previous post declaring a successful resolution to the problems I was experiencing with Parallels 9 VM’s stored on an external USB HDD proved premature. The apparent success of being able to start / suspend / resume / shutdown / restart etc, something that had previously been impossible, was sadly misleading though my conclusion that Parallels 9 was not responsible still appears to be valid.

Learning Valuable Lessons

[Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes] Iztok has been at it again, making comments that prompt another post. 🙂 He expresses his view that there are only two viable options for mobile development. The first is essentially the web-based technology approach (HTML/JS/PhoneGap etc) and the other is the platform native tool chains, Eclipse/AndroidStudio/Xcode etc.