The Relevance of BASIC

[Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes] Simon Stuart recently shared a comment on Google+ about the modern relevance of BASIC. This prompted me to think about BASIC, it’s role in my career and how software development career’s get started today. This post is what came from those thoughts.

Use Knowledge of Your Own Threads to Extract Optimal Performance…

[Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes] “The Delphi Geek” recently blogged about a performance bottleneck he had identified in FastMM when used with a particular conditional define. Although not directly related, his post reminded me of an experience I had many years ago, working on a highly complex multi-threaded system (long before FastMM) and the strategy we found we had to employ in order to get optimal performance from our threading code when encountering different numbers of CPU’s (these days “cores’).

SHAutoComplete: Calling Once, Calling Twice…

[Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minutes] The usually exhaustively complete Raymond Chen over-looked a crucial factor in his most recent posting on his excellent Old New Thing Blog regarding SHAutoComplete. In his post he discusses a technique for disabling auto-complete in a common dialog, but along the way discusses why calling SHAutoComplete twice cannot be used to remove flags previously applied.  As I say, Raymond normally is very precise and exhaustive in his coverage,  often pre-empting “nit pickers” by calling out in advance anything and everything wrong with a question or with approaches that are implied in the question (or in his answer). In this case, I would have expected him to draw particular attention to the warning in the MSDN docs for SHAutoComplete: “SHAutoComplete should not be called more than once with the same HWND. Doing so results in a memory leak.” But far from it – he actually advocates calling SHAutoComplete a second time to modify flags if needed! Sadly, comments are currently disabled on The Old New Thing due to an extraordinarily lengthy upgrade process being carried out on the underlying blogging system, so I was unable to draw attention to this (and no doubt earn myself a Nit Picker “badge” in the process), but in this case I think it’s worth Read More…

Music As Medicine

[Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes] As I alluded to a couple of posts ago, I have only recently regained something approaching good health.  To get me back on track among other things I have found music to be a great healer.  I’ve been playing electric bass and singing with a bunch of guys from work since Christmas and having a blast. Then a few weeks ago a friend in that group suggested I audition for a “proper” band that were looking for a lead vocalist. The long story short is that I took the plunge and I am now lead singer with “5th Quarter”, a covers band here on the North Shore of Auckland in New Zealand where I live.