A Timely Poll?

[Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minutes] I’ve been thinking for some time about the direction that the Delphi variant of Pascal is heading, and have had this poll in my back pocket for a couple of weeks.  Just recently the topic has become rather prominent in the NGs, and I myself just logged a language change suggestion. So I thought now might be a good time to “Pop The Question”, hence this weeks poll: How should new language features be introduced to Delphi? You only get to choose one response this week. Choose wisely. 🙂

This Weeks Poll

[Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minutes] I’ve worked with a number of version/source control solutions over the years, and looked at or even evaluated  even more.  None has really been perfect, and very few even come close, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. But what do you use with Delphi? Recognising that people perhaps use one system at home and another in their “day job” (or even on different projects within the same organization), you can choose up to three responses for this poll.

Tiburón Releases On Monday!(?)

[Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minutes] eWeek have a detailed article with quotes, attributions and pricing in which they state an August 25th (next Monday, by my reckoning) release date for Delphi and C++ Builder 2009! The Delphi blog-sphere is probably going to go into meltdown with this news and speculation as to whether it is accurate or not.  The indications were that the release wasn’t far off, but it’s much sooner than I think many were expecting, myself included.  I am also somewhat surprised that we didn’t hear about it first from CodeGear directly, certainly confirmation (or clarification) now is quickly needed.

Tiburón – What’s In A Name?

[Estimated Reading Time: < 1 minutes] Providing a little light relief after the rather heavy series of posts on multicast events, a colleague recently asked me what Tiburón actually means.  So I looked it up. As well as being a town in California, it is also Spanish for shark.  I don’t know which derivation inspired the team at CodeGear, but it does raise the possibility that here in Aotearoa we could perhaps be referring to the forthcoming release of Delphi as Mangō, as this is the Maori for “shark”. Some additional trivia – from the little that I have picked up of the Maori language, “nui” in a name implies “big” or “large”, so the place name Mangonui (which crops up in a few places here) means “big shark”.

Settling in to a new Blog

[Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes] I’ve tried numerous aborted attempts to kick off a blog in the past.  The usual pattern is feverish enthusiasm at the outset, finding tools, creating an identity, tweaking artwork, an initial post or two etc etc, which rapidly diminishes into disinterest as I find that the hassle of setting up the blog site itself wasn’t actually all just setting up and that some of that hassle continues on in the blog ownership experience. This time I’m confident that things will be different, and here’s why…