Anonymous Classes: Implementing Interfaces

[Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes] A few years ago (2011 to be precise) someone asked a question on StackOverflow about support for anonymous classes in Delphi. The reason for the question was that the poster was trying to use Delphi to develop for Android and on that platform the widespread use of callback interfaces makes anonymous classes highly desirable.

Using Retrofit with Oxygene

[Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes] I’ve recently been working on a new project involving an Azure hosted ASP.NET MVC WebApi application (actually a pair of them) and native mobile and web applications. Everything is – of course – built using Oxygene. For the Android mobile app I was looking for a REST API client library and have settled upon Retrofit and thought I would share the experience.

Oxygene Constructor Magic on Cocoa

[Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes] Earlier this week I mentioned that I had published my TXT-2-PARK app for Android in the Google Play Store. Today I published the iOS version to the Apple App Store (still awaiting approval at this stage). As with the Android version, I implemented the iOS version using Oxygene, and things proved a little less straightforward.

Did you get the Memo ?

[Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes] People looking for a cheap Android tablet have a new option from a respected player: The Asus Pad 7 Although not exactly falling over themselves in excitement (it is an entry level, budget device after all), reviewers are finding a lot to like in this device. But Delphi developers hoping to sell their apps to users of this device – and similar – will have to wait for Embarcadero to address a fundamental issue with their technology.


[Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes] Are you doing Android development ? Whether you are using Delphi or some other Android development tool a key tool in the Android developer’s toolbox is the logcat command, part of the Android SDK. But it can be a little… how to put this kindly… crude. So I put together a rather more useful and – dare I say attractive – front-end under the rather uninspired name of ADB WINLOG.

Getting Published in the Play Store (Google Apps)

[Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes] Well, this went far more smoothly than I had anticipated. At the XE5 World Tour event in Auckland, Brian Hamilton, creator of the iWD app, told us that getting his approved took about a week (if I recall correctly), and he had to submit a video showing how his app worked, so I was anticipating a couple of days at least to get my widget published. A couple of hours is all it took !

Developing an AppWidget – Part 5

[Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes] In my previous post I explained how I believed I had solved a problem with my widget, only to discover that it created a different problem in the process. I had believed that IntentService based services were long-lived, but in fact this is not the case. However, the change remains valid for solving the problem of my update alarm surviving device sleep, leaving only the question of how to refactor the behaviour that using an IntentService had broken.