DUnit Compatibility in Smoketest

[Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes] To address some odd concerns about differences between DUnit and Smoketest, I thought it would be useful to demonstrate how it is entirely within the gift of a Smoketest user to create their own “comfort” layer, to make using Smoketest more similar to the DUnit framework if they wish (though why in that case they wouldn’t simply use DUnit, I can’t quite fathom. But still).

Smoketest – Set Me Up / Tear Me Down

[Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes] In a previous post I demonstrated how the default “pretty name” for a Smoketest test case (derived from the test case classname) can be over-ridden by a test developer by implementing a specific interface (INameCase) on the test case class itself. There are some other interfaces that can be implemented on a test case, including interfaces that allow a test case to implement housekeeping tasks for the tests it provides.

Bonjour JSON

[Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes] I know, you wait 5 years for a library then three come along at once! As well as Smoketest I also want to mention a couple of other libraries that have been published alongside it. They are wholly unrelated to Smoketest itself, so I decided to just quickly mention them in this separate post.


[Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes] Are you doing Android development ? Whether you are using Delphi or some other Android development tool a key tool in the Android developer’s toolbox is the logcat command, part of the Android SDK. But it can be a little… how to put this kindly… crude. So I put together a rather more useful and – dare I say attractive – front-end under the rather uninspired name of ADB WINLOG.