DUnit Compatibility in Smoketest

[Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes] To address some odd concerns about differences between DUnit and Smoketest, I thought it would be useful to demonstrate how it is entirely within the gift of a Smoketest user to create their own “comfort” layer, to make using Smoketest more similar to the DUnit framework if they wish (though why in that case they wouldn’t simply use DUnit, I can’t quite fathom. But still).

Exchange() – Epilogue and Smoketest

[Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes] A colleague of mine directed me to a further minor refinement of the ‘final’ Exchange() code I posted the other day. The change is minor but yields a worthwhile performance improvement, but my main reason for bothering to post (yet!) another update is an excuse to introduce the testing framework I developed that allowed me to quickly assess any benefit.