Anonymous Classes: Implementing Interfaces

[Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes] A few years ago (2011 to be precise) someone asked a question on StackOverflow about support for anonymous classes in Delphi. The reason for the question was that the poster was trying to use Delphi to develop for Android and on that platform the widespread use of callback interfaces makes anonymous classes highly desirable.

Formatting Case Statements

[Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes] I’m afraid I have been guilty of editorialising on StackOverflow. It was sheer laziness really. A question prompted me to respond by sharing a personal preference and instead of “context switching” to my blog I posted an answer that even at the time I acknowledged was not in fact an answer (though as transgression go I have to say I have seen far worse, but, that’s no excuse). So, with (further) apologies to StackOverflow, I have withdrawn that answer and instead present that editorial here, a more appropriate forum.

When You Say Nothing At All…

[Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes] This is another one of those posts that has a bit of a double meaning in the same title. First, there is the matter of a useful hint/warning that I think could be emitted by a Pascal compiler. The other is what I have been up to in recent months that I have been so busy that I wasn’t posting much (i.e. at all) ! First the more relevant point to this blog: When you say nothing at all, in Pascal

Sugary Goodness in “Nougat”

[Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes] Continuing the theme of recent – and upcoming – posts about new (and not so new) syntax in modern (and not so modern) variations on the Pascal language, I just have to comment on what I regard as yet another stunningly good job that the guys at RemObjects have done in their “Nougat” flavoured Oxygene.  Specifically in relation to how they have implemented the named method parts syntax in Objective-C.